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Volumetric Analysis


Volumetric means volume of the compound and analysis means to determine or to examine the exact quantity of the compound. Volumetric Analysis is to determine the volume of a solution of know concentration; require to react quantitatively with a solution of substance to be analyzed.

In chemistry, when substance is to be analyzed, is called as Analytical chemistry. Analytical chemistry is divided into two parts, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis deals with the identification of compound and to determine the quality of the product, whereas Quantitative analysis deals with the determination of exact quantity of constituents in chemical substances. Volumetric analysis is a branch of quantitative chemistry. The advantages of volumetric analysis are fast and accurate result, simple apparatus and different methods for different kind of substances.


When titrate react with titrant, the process called as titration. Here titrate means substance to be analyzed and titrant means reagent of know concentration. The point at which complete chemical reaction takes place and equivalent quantity of reagent is used, is called as equivalence point. Reaction is completed when indicator or auxillary agent changes its color, and the point is called as end point. Depending on the nature of the compound, various titrimetric methods are adopted.


Acid base titration is based on reaction of acid and base to form salt and water. Redox titration is based on transfer of electron from reducing agents to oxidizing agents. Precipitation titration involves the formation of precipitates at the end of titration. Complexometric titration is based on formation of complex. Zeta potential titration involves the measurement of zeta potential and used for colloidal and emulsion systems. Miscellaneous titration is generally carried out to determine the concentration of virus and bacteria in the solution.

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