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Any compound which occupies volume in nature is called as states of matter and is classified as Solids, Liquids and Gases. These states depend on their volume, temperature and pressure.

Definition: A liquid is a state of matter with a definite volume and size but no definite shape. In short liquid is a in between stage of solid and gases.

Example: Water, Blood, Milk

·  Molecules are moving and bonded by hydrogen bond
·  No definite shape but when filled in container, takes the shape of container.
·  Non-compressible as the molecules in a liquid are closer together than those in a gas but not as close together as those in a solid.
·  Evaporation: Molecules in a liquid is joined together by cohesion force and when it comes in contact with air, it changes into vapor at any temperature below its boiling point. This is called as evaporation. The rate of evaporation depends on humidity of the air, surface area of liquid and temperature.
·  Diffusion: When two miscible liquids are poured in one container, denser one forms a separate layer at the bottom of the container and each will diffuse lsowly with each other until they are mixed thoroughly.
·  Viscosity: The resistance to flow is called viscosity. Higher the viscosity of liquid the more slowly it flows. Viscosity depends on temperature. When temperature of liquid is increased, the movement of individual molecules is increased and result into breakage of hydrogen bond and lesser viscosity.
·  Surface tension: Liquid has a tendency to reduce their exposed surface to the smallest possible area is called surface area.

Mixture: Liquid doesn’t have same compound. When a variety of materials are mixed in a liquid, it is called as mixture. © 2025 | Contact us | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Yellow Sparks Network
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